PhD CENTURI 7 PhD positions in interdisciplinary projects, in developmental biology, immunology and neuroscience (funded)
PhD Bénédicte DELAVAL Team Funded PhD position – Bénédicte DELAVAL Team – CRBM Montpellier – Cell/developmental biology, engineering and biophysics (Starting Oct 2024).
PhD Development, Regeneration and Evolution Marie Curie PhD fellowship: Mapping cell type diversity in the arthropod leg
PhD DYSAD IAB Role of ion channels and of their proximate environment in endothelial mechanotransduction in the context of Cerebral Cavernous Malformations
PhD Advanced Training Unit EuReCa PhD Program – 8 PhD positions in September 2023 at Institut Curie (COFUND)
PhD (FR) Interdisciplinary Institute for NeuroScience (FR) Mechano-sensing of the axon and its initial segment, links with the nanoscale organization of the membrane periodic skeleton
PhD Interdisciplinary Institute for NeuroScience PhD student position in Neurobiology : Deciphering dendritic spine mechanobiology during synaptic plasticity using super-resolution microscopy
PhD (FR) Dynamique des membranes et manteaux protéiques (FR) PhD thesis Offer IPMC, Sophia Antipolis, Valbonne
PhD (FR) Signalisation antivirale et mécanismes effecteurs (FR) Déchiffrage de la fonction des protéines énigmatiques C19ORF12/Nazo dans le trafic des vésicules, la neurodégénérescence et le contrôle des virus.
PhD (FR) PécréauxLab (CeDRE) (FR) Which mechanisms account for robust partitioning of chromosomes during cell division?
PhD Institut de Biologie Paris-Seine (IBPS) The i-Bio Initiative (Sorbonne University, Paris) opens 4 positions for fully funded 4-year research programs
PhD Research Center EuReCa PhD Program – 14 PhD positions in September 2022 at Institut Curie (COFUND)
PhD (FR) institute Biology Valrolse (FR) Study of cytoplasmic crowding during antifungal drug tolerance
PhD (FR) Plateforme BioMecan'IC - Institut Cochin (FR) Futur(e) responsable plateforme Biomécanique de la Cellule
PhD (FR) Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition Animale (FR) Offre de thèse financé sur projet ANR: « Etude des comportements sociaux chez Drosophila melanogaster. »
PhD LOB (Laboratoire d'Optique et Biosciences) (FR) ANR funded PhD position in the Cell migration and Morphogenesis team, Ecole Polytechnique
PhD Institut de Biologie Paris-Seine The i-Bio PhD Program offers 4 PhD positions in Biology with interdisciplinary approaches
PhD Institut Curie EuReCa PhD Program – 12 PhD positions in September 2021 at Institut Curie (COFUND)
PhD Laboratoire de Physiologie Cellulaire & Végétale Role of the cytoskeleton in the chirality of biological systems
PhD Catherine Rabouille: Cellular Stress in Drosophila PhD student in the group on Catherine Rabouille, Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht, NL
PhD International Max Planck Research School in Chemical and Molecular Biology International Max-Planck-Research School PhD program