
Animal technician position available in the zebrafish facility of the Institut de Biologie Valrose /Nice

Position opening for incoming mobility (NOEMI) A zootechnician position is open for incoming mobility at the zebrafish animal facility at the Valrose Institute of Biology in Nice. This position is open to tenured (or permanent CDI) agents of the CNRS and other branches of the the civil service. The application deadline is Sunday June 2, …


 CDD recherche-enseignement en biologie cellulaire/génétique 

Université Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines  Enseignement  La personne recrutée effectuera des enseignements en licence à l’UFR Sciences (campus de Versailles). Les enseignements concernent principalement des UE de génétique et de biologie cellulaire et moléculaire. Recherche   The project aims to examine the localization and impact of reactive oxygen species (ROS), more specifically H2O2 in intestinal homeostasis. ROS are necessary for …


Funded PhD position – Bénédicte DELAVAL Team – CRBM Montpellier – Cell/developmental biology, engineering and biophysics (Starting Oct 2024).

Contribution of topographical constraints to kidney pathophysiological organization CNRS funding for interdisciplinary programs (MITI) Host lab: Bénédicte DELAVAL’s team, Centrosome Cilia and Pathologies, CRBM CNRS, Montpellier, France Doctoral school: CBS2 (Chemical and Biological Sciences for Health) University of Montpellier Co-direction: Bénédicte DELAVAL, CNRS Biology, CRBM Montpellier – Caterina TOMBA, CNRS Engineering, INL Lyon Keywords: Cell …