Microtubules are present in all eukaryotic cells – from fungi and plants to mammals and humans – and play a crucial role both during mitosis and interphase. Their dysfunction leads to cancerization processes and neuropathologies in animals, and to the disruption of plant architecture and reproduction. The universality of the mechanisms involved in the control of the organization and dynamics of microtubules explains the interest of comparing the insights obtained through work on a wide variety of models, in various physiological, pathological or therapeutic contexts. This is why was created in 2013 the “French Microtubule Network”, which brings together all the French teams and laboratories interested in microtubules and organizes a symposium in odd years, alternating with the EMBO international congress devoted to microtubule research. Previous editions of this conference were held in Marseille in 2013, Grenoble in 2015 and Versailles in 2017, bringing together researchers, post-doctoral fellows and students from more than 34 laboratories.

In 2019, the 4th French Microtubule Network Meeting is organized in Rennes by the teams of Denis Chrétien, Régis Giet and Jacques Pécréaux from the Institute of Genetics and Development of Rennes.

To allow as many people as possible, especially PhD students and postdocs, to join this event, we have set the registration fee at 50 EUR excluding VAT, including the Gala dinner. Registration is available after logging in to this website (black button at the top right of this page).

Oral and poster presentations, selected from abstracts, are planned. Abstract submission is available after logging in to this website. The deadline for abstract submission is 15 May 2019.

This year, our program consists of 5 sessions, which include 14 PI talks and 13 junior talks (PhD and postdocs) as well as 10 flash talks and 2 poster sessions. We will also have the privilege of attending a Keynote lecture by Prof. Michel Steinmetz from the Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland.

To bring together as many people as possible (French and international) all communications (oral and poster) will be given in English.