À propos

G. Lavieu is a cell biologist/biochemist expert in membrane trafficking. G. Lavieu is currently an INSERM permanent investigator, and “Chaire d’ Excellence” in Université de Paris, within the UMR7057 Research Unit. Previously, G. Lavieu identified and characterized a new mode of transport, termed Rim progression, dedicated to oversized proteins that are too large to fit into classical transport vesicles. More recently, G. Lavieu and his research group aim at characterizing at both cellular and molecular levels the intercellular transport mediated by extracellular vesicles (exosomes). Our goal is to identify the core machinery controlling this process.

Informations concernant l'équipe

Nom de l'équipe : Intra and Intercellular membrane trafficking
Équipe affiliée : Oui
Site web : https://u-paris.fr/en/the-lavieu-lab/
Adresse : 45 des Saints Peres, INSERM/UMR7057, 75006, Paris, FRANCE
Responsable(s) de l'équipe : gregory lavieu

Informations scientifiques

Domaines de recherche trafic intracellulaire
trafic intercellulaire
Organite/ Compartiment appareil de golgi/tgn
membrane plasmique
vesicles extracellulaires
Techniques biophysique
imagerie confocale
imagerie frap, flim, fret, etc
imagerie haute resolution (sted, 4pi)
imagerie tirf
microscopie electronique
systemes in vitro
Modèles cellulaires lignees cellulaires