The French Society for Cell Biology (SBCF) gathers all researchers working in the broad field of Cell Biology and is actively involved in several missions.

Indeed, from communicating about the latest breakthroughs to announcing upcoming events, the SBCF also digs up new talents and financially supports young researchers to help them attend scientific meetings. The Society’s goal is to promote the scientific area, to boost knowledge transmission and be the reference for French research in Cell Biology abroad. The SBCF is also very much dedicated to support and organize events for raising the public awareness of science in general and cell biology in particular, via so called outreach activities.

The Society with its current status was created in 1984, with François Gros as first president. So, it’s now time to celebrate its 40th anniversary, and to mark this milestone, we wish to organize a memorable symposium hosted by the French Academy of Sciences.

This special event will be held on the 10th of September, 2024 and offers an exciting program around top topics in the field. Most of the former presidents and the current president of the SBCF will share their work and their vision on how the field has evolved and how the community might embrace the many challenges faced in our days and beyond.

Collaborative activities around cell biology and surprises will also be proposed to the participants. So, do not miss this unique event, save the date and register!

The scientific programm is available here.

to register :

Symposium des 40 ans de la Société de Biologie cellulaire de France
SBCF member? *
Team Affiliated to SBCF? *
You will attend the meeting *