Our team « Membrane Dynamics & Viruses » (MDV) aims at studying virus-host interactions at different spatiotemporal scales. The viruses studied in the lab allow us to better understand the basic molecular and cellular mechanisms, and vice-versa, the investigation of cellular processes provides valuable information regarding viral subversion mechanisms.
Specifically, our projects are focusing on three complementary axes:
- The intracellular transport in/out: how do the hepatitis B and C viruses (HBV and HCV respectively) interact with their receptor at the cell surface of target cell? Conversely, how does the cell control neo-synthesized transmembrane viral receptor secretion and extracellular vesicles?
- Manipulate intracellular trafficking to better understand viruses and cells: deep characterization of the mode of action of a broad-spectrum antiviral molecule that interfere with the endolysosomal trafficking pathway.
- Impact of viral infections on cellular functions through the induction of subcellular rearrangement: how does HIV and Zika virus influence circulating monocytes transmigration toward tissues?
We are routinely employing techniques related to the study of HBV, HCV, HIV, and Zika viruses, including RT-qPCR, Western blot, flow cytometry, immunostaining, RNA interference, plaque assays, …
We also developed advanced methods for the study of virus-host interactions such as CRISPR/Cas9 knock-in/out, RUSH, high resolution 3D confocal live cell imaging, mass spectrometry, xenotypic zebrafish embryo model system, …
The philosophy of the lab is to go beyond technological limitations, not accepting “we can’t do it” as an answer, but rather “how are we going to achieve it?”.