Two postdoctoral positions are opened in the laboratory of Dr. Valérie Castellani, at the University of Lyon, France. The lab is part of the NeuroMyoGene Institute, providing a highly rich and international scientific environment, and is integrated into the Excellence Laboratory (LabEx) DEVweCAN.
Our team is interested in understanding the mechanisms that confer proper spatial orientation of some key processes during the nervous system development. We more recently extended our focus to the impact of developmental mechanisms in the context of cancers that emerge during embryogenesis. We are mainly working on neuroblastoma, a pediatric cancer that arises from a transitory embryonic cell population, neural crest cells. We set up an innovative in vivo model based on the avian embryo (Delloye-Bourgeois et al, Cancer Cell, 2017) that allowed to uncover key early embryonic metastatic processes. Postdoctoral projects will aim at providing a molecular and functional picture of these secondary dissemination pathways, involving major embryonic vessels and peripheral nerves.
We are seeking two postdoc profiles with strong background in:
#1: blood vessels biology and associated techniques, with a particular interest in highly resolutive imaging.
#2: bioinformatics and management of large-scale data (RNASeq, Proteomic) A particular attention will be paid on profiles with background in neurodevelopmental biology and in vivo micro-manipulations.
Applicants should be highly motivated, with good interpersonal and communication skills.
Fluency in English is mandatory but ability to speak French is not required. Projects are funded
by a grant from the INCa (Institut National du Cancer) for 3 years. Salary will depend on previous experience.
Applications should contain a CV, a letter of motivation with a description of research accomplishments and the contact information of two references to and
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