Organized on the behalf of the French Society For Cell Biology,
the 2022 Invadosome Consortium Meeting “Pushing the frontiers of cell adhesion and invasion” will bring together teams, colleagues and students from all over the world working in the field of cell migration and invasion.
Fueled by a very dynamic community, the meeting strives to highlight the latest and most inspiring results on invadosomes and cell invasion, covering a large spectrum of biological fields: cell and developmental biology, mechanobiology, immunity and signaling, within the molecular, physiological and pathological aspects of cell invasion.
The program displays outstanding invited speakers.
As the meeting is aimed at early career researchers, the program also includes many opportunities for oral and flash poster presentations, for which they will take priority in the selection process!
Only limited attendees ! REGISTER HERE.
Student/post doc: 500 € ; other: 750 €
(full accommodation in a single room)
Registration deadline: 31/08/2022 !
Looking forward to meeting you at the Lazaret Resort in Sète, south of France.
The Senior & Junior Committees

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