
Silvia Fre studied EGFR internalisation with Pier Paolo Di Fiore in Milan before moving to Harvard Medical School in Boston where she worked on Notch signalling with Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas. She got her PhD from Sorbonne University while in the lab of Daniel Louvard in the Cell Biology Department of Institut Curie, working on Notch and intestinal stem cells. Since 2023 she heads the team "Fate and Plasticity of Epithelial Stem Cells" in the Developmental Biology Department of Institut Curie, where they explore the mechanisms of cell fate in different types of epithelial stem cells and in tumours.

Team info

Team name: Fate and Plasticity of Epithelial Stem Cells
Affiliated team: Yes
Website: https://institut-curie.org/team/fre
Address: 26 rue d'Ulm, 75005, Paris, France
Team head(s): Silvia FRE

Scientific info

Research domains développement
polarité cellulaire
Techniques bioinformatique
culture 3d
culture d’explants
imagerie confocale
imagerie multiphotons
imagerie spinning disk
Cell Models souris, rat