
I have three degrees in different fields of the applied biosciences. I did my Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology, a Master's degree in Drug Development and PhD in Biochemistry and Cell biology. During my doctoral training I examined the translation machinery in the Leishmania parasite and role of translation in regulation of virulence. My current interest is in understanding the role of small ubiquitin-like modifiers such as NEDD8 in neurodegenerative disorders.

Team info

Affiliated team: No
Website: http://www.crbm.cnrs.fr/team/proteines-de-famille-ubiquitine-regulation-de-croissance-cellulaire/
Address: , ,

Scientific info

Research domains Protein quality control
Cell biology
Organelle/Compartment Stress granules
Techniques imagerie confocale
imagerie frap, flim, fret, etc
systemes in vitro
Flow cytometry
Gene editing-CRISPR/CAS9
Cell Models c. elegans
lignees cellulaires