
Dr Jean-Christophe RAIN received his PhD in Molecular Genetics from University Paris XI. During his PhD thesis at the Pasteur Institute, he was involved in the development of a yeast two-hybrid screening method allowing reproducible analysis of highly complex library by genetically saturated screening. In 1998, Dr. Rain was one of the founders of Hybrigenics where he took over the Head of Small Genome program and generated a genome-wide protein interaction map of Helicobacter pylori. From 2000 to 2005, he was responsible for internal and collaborative target identification and drug discovery programs in oncology and virology. Since 2010, in close collaboration with F. Perez and S. Moutel (Curie Institute, Paris), he develop new tools and library for antibody fragment selection in vitro and in yeast. From 2006 to 2019 Dr RAIN was CSO of Hybrigenics Services SAS, he is leading the Yeast Two-Hybrid, Chemical proteomic and VHH selection platform. He was accounted as CEO in December 2019.

Team info

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Scientific info

Research domains apoptose
biologie végétale
biologie des systèmes
trafic intracellulaire
transduction du signal
Techniques bioinformatique
cribles d’interactions
Cell Models c. elegans
levure cerevisiae
levure pombe
lignees cellulaires
plantes arabidopsis
plantes autres
souris, rat
zebra fish