
Andrea Cimarelli obtained his PhD at the University of Pavia, Italy, in 1996. He then performed his postdoctoral training at Columbia University, New York, in the laboratory of Dr. J. Luban, where he studied the mechanism underlaying the assembly of virion particles of HIV. In 2000 he joined the laboratory of Dr. J.L. Darlix at the Virology Unit of INSERM at the Ecole Normale Superièure de Lyon and from 2005 he directs a group of research focused on the study of human lentiviruses. The laboratory has been among the founding members of the Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie (CIRI) of Lyon affiliated to the INSERM, the CNRS, the UdL and the ENS-Lyon. Andrea Cimarelli is currently head of the Host-Pathogen Interaction during Lentiviral Infection laboratory, Head of the Virology Specialty and delegate director of the CIRI. The main focus of the laboratory is to identify and characterize cellular factors that modulate primate lentiviruses replication. The key areas of expertise are: microbiology, virology, innate immunity, cell biology

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Scientific info

Research domains pathogènes/parasites
trafic intracellulaire
Organelle/Compartment appareil de golgi/tgn
cytosquelette: microtubules
membrane plasmique
Techniques cribles d’interactions
imagerie confocale
systemes in vitro
Cell Models cellules primaires
lignees cellulaires
souris, rat