A postdoctoral position for up to five years is available in the INSERM group: Functional pancreatic beta cell mass in rodent and human (Director Raphael Scharfmann) https://www.institutcochin.fr/departments/emd/team-scharfmann
The team is part of the INSERM Cochin institute (www.cochin.inserm.fr/) and has a strong expertise in rodent and human pancreatic beta cell field. The Scharfmann’s lab was the first one to generate functional human pancreatic beta cell lines (Ravassard et al, J Clin Invest 2011; Scharfmann et al, J Clin Invest 2014). We recently used those lines to model human beta cells in pathophysiological conditions (Chandra et al, Cell Reports 2014; Oshima et al, JCI Insight 2018). We also recently developed new approaches based on cell sorting to deconstruct pancreatic development in human (Ramond et al, E-Life 2017; Ramond et al, Development 2018).
The team belongs to a number of major national and international consortia such as for example, the Labex Revive (www.pasteur.fr/ip/easysite/pasteur/en/research/labex/revive), the Innovative Medicines Initiative for Diabetes (www.imi-rhapsody.eu, www.imi.europa.eu/content/innodia).
Title of project: Pancreatic islet cell identity in type 1 diabetes (T1D).
The goal of this project is to characterize changes in pancreatic endocrine cell identity in T1D conditions, and to use this knowledge to identify novel targets for preservation and/or restoration of islet cell identity.
This project is a collaborative effort supported by the Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation between our team and the Leiden University (https://www.lumc.nl/?setlanguage=English&setcountry=en).
The candidate will design and set up experiments as required for the progression of the project. He/she will use animal models, cell cultures (cell lines, primary cells), transcriptomics, FACS and histology.
The candidate must have a solid knowledge of molecular and cellular biology. Knowledge in immunology is a plus. Fluent English, written and spoken, is mandatory.
The candidate must be curious, highly motivated and use creative thinking in the resolution of scientific questions. He/she will need to easily interact with other scientists in the team and in the Institute, as well as with our external collaborators.
Education: MD/PhD, PhD in biological sciences.
Applications including a CV, list of publications, a summary of previous research experience and the names of two references should be sent to: Dr Raphael Scharfmann
Email: Raphael.scharfmann@inserm.fr
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