The Institut Jacques Monod (IJM) is seeking to appoint several new group leaders
The Institut Jacques Monod (IJM), a leading center of fundamental biological research in Paris, is seeking to appoint several new group leaders. The IJM is comprised of about 30 research groups working in the fields of genetics and genomics, biophysics, cell biology, development and evolution.
Candidates should work in one of the areas of fundamental biology covered by the Institute. Researchers interested in computational biology and/or functional genomics are particularly encouraged to apply. The successful applicants will be selected based on their scientific excellence and their potential to complement and synergize with existing research in the Institute. We will consider group leader applications at both the junior and senior levels.
Research at the IJM is supported by excellent core facilities providing state-of-the-art light and electron microscopy, mass spectrometry, animal facilities, and access to high throughput genomics equipment. The IJM is located in Paris on the campus of the Université Paris-Diderot and is affiliated with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). For more detailed information, visit our website ( ).
Successful applicants should have upon their arrival at IJM a permanent position with the CNRS, INSERM, the French university system, or a non-permanent position funded by granting agencies such as the French ATIP-AVENIR program or the ERC, which will allow them to apply for a permanent position.
Applicants should provide: a cover letter explaining their interest in joining the IJM; contact details for 3 referees; and a document formatted using this application form comprising a C.V., a summary of scientific achievements, and proposed research program.
Applications should be sent by e-mail to the Institute Director Dr. Michel Werner (direction(at) as a single pdf file, and should be received not later than 15 March 2018.