ingrid chamma
Team: Molécules d’adhérence cellulaire dans l’assemblage synaptique


The SBCF is very happy to award its annual SBCF Young Scientist Award of € 5,000 to Ingrid Chamma, INSERM researcher in the team of Olivier Thoumine at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Neuroscience in Bordeaux.

Ingrid Chamma is doing remarkable  Cell Biology research on the spatiotemporal organization at the nanoscale and the dynamics of cellular adhesion proteins during the assembly of the neuronal synapse.

Summary of the work by Ingrid Chamma

Neuronal communication relies on the ability of synapses to maintain stable neurotransmission whilst retaining a high degree of plasticity – or ability to adapt to changes in neuronal activity and brain environment. Synapses are macromolecular platforms containing hundreds of dynamically exchanging proteins tightly packed into an extremely confined environment of around 20×250-500 nm. To sustain proper communication in the brain, the proteins forming these platforms must be precisely regulated with high spatiotemporal accuracy. My research aims at understanding the molecular mechanisms that drive synapse assembly during neuronal development, and the mechanisms by which these structures remain plastic to constantly adapt to their environment.

Meet her on May 28, 2019 afternoon at the Institut Cochin in Paris for the award ceremony.

The prize will be awarded to Ingrid Chamma at the SBCF Young Researcher Day on Tuesday, May 28, 2019, afternoon at the Cochin Institute in Paris. She will present her work with several young post-doctoral and doctoral researchers who received SBCF travel grants in 2018-2019.

We hope to welcome you there!