
To highlight research in cell biology and its actors is one of the missions of the SBCF.
Each year, the SBCF awards a “Young Researcher Prize” of 5000€.
The winner is chosen by a committee composed of members of the SBCF Board.
The Young Investigator Award recognizes excellence in cell biology by a researcher with at least one publication after his/her PhD.

Selection procedure: The committee is composed of all members of the SBCF board, except in case of conflict of interest with one of the applicants. For the first round, each application is reviewed by at least 5 reviewers to establish a short list. For the second round, the pre-selected applications are reviewed by the whole committee to select the winner of the year.


  • Be less than 8 years post-PhD defense at the submission deadline (+1 year per child or parental leave or other justified leave)
  • be a SBCF member and be part of a team that is also SBCF affiliated
  • have demonstrated exceptional activity in the field of cell biology (with at least one post-doctoral publication)
  • have or not a permanent position

List of documents to submit

NB: All documents should be sent as one file.