The aim of this project is to investigate the molecular and functional interplay between the DOCKD RhoGEFs, which promote neuronal morphogenesis during development, and the Ube3A/HERC2 ubiquitin-ligases involved in mental retardation syndromes (Angelman and Angelman-like syndromes) and autism spectrum disorders (Dup15q syndrome). This collaborative project includes two groups of complementary expertise: Gilles TRAVE’s team in Illkirch (structural interactomics of Ube3A-HERC2) and Debant’s team in Montpellier (function of the DOCKD RhoGEFs and neuronal cell biology).


Debant’s team has a strong expertise in the biochemistry and cell biology of Rho GTPase signalling and microtubule/actin cytoskeleton dynamics (van Haren et al., Curr Biol, 2014; Sanchez-Huertas et al., J Cell Biol, 2020). The group discovered the RhoGEF DOCK10 as an essential actor in the formation of neuronal dendritic spines through Rho GTPase activation (Jaudon et al, Mol Biol Cell 2015). In addition, the group made important contributions in the field of neurodevelopmental disorders, by establishing the RhoGEF TRIO as a new risk factor for these complex diseases (Pengelly, R. J. et al., J Med Genet 2016; Barbosa et al., Am. J. Hum. Genet. 2020).

The team works in CRBM, a research institute internationally recognized for its basic research in biochemistry and cell biology, located on the multidisciplinary CNRS Campus of the Route de Mende, in Montpellier ( The institute provides an exciting scientific environment for the development of world-class programs in biomedical research and hosts cutting-edge core facilities such as Montpellier Rio Imaging (MRI) (, which is indispensable for the development of this project.


We are looking for a highly motivated candidate to develop this new project inside the ANR network. The candidate should be holder of a Bachelor or Master’s degree in Cellular Biology and/or Neurosciences (or equivalent). Previous successful experience in a research laboratory would be a plus. Expected skills:

– Strong skills in live and fixed sample microscopy (photonic imaging, video-microscopy)

– Strong skills in neuronal cell biology (primary cultures of embryonic murine cortical and hippocampal neurons)

– Good knowledge of animal experimentation techniques. A training in animal experimentation (Applicator level) would be a plus.

– Knowledge of molecular biology and biochemistry techniques will be positively considered

– Good knowledge of French/English

– Task planning, autonomy, organization and scientific rigor, teamwork

Informations sur le contrat
• Type de contrat : CDD, financement ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche)
• Date de démarrage : Février-Mars 2023
• Durée du contrat : 2 ans. Temps de travail : Temps complet
• Rémunération : selon les grilles en vigueur
• Avantages : Restauration collective, prise en charge du titre de transport annuel à 50%
• Localisation du poste : Montpellier

Applicants should apply on the CNRS web site:

DEAD-LINE:  January 31th 2023

For more information, please contact;