À propos

Corinne Albiges-Rizo received a PhD in Cellular and Molecular biology from the University of Grenoble in 1990. She worked as a PhD student at EMBL in Grenoble and completed her post-doctoral research as a fellow in HHMI in Chicago. She moved back to Grenoble as a CNRS Scientist. Her team is based within the Institute for Advanced Biosciences (Institut Albert Bonniot) and she also heads the department of microenvironment and cell plasticity. She was President of the French Society for Cell Biology (SBCF). Using transdisciplinary approach, her team is investigating how focal adhesions and invadosomes sense varied external cues to modulate downstream signaling networks and force transmission to elucidate the sensory mechanisms underlying invasion and tissue architecture. The lab is specifically exploring the biological and physiological relevance of integrin activation. The current project is to study how integrins, together or with co-receptors, respond to combination of chemical and physical inputs and then form signaling complexes that are arranged in time and space to specify cell contractility and transcriptional program and maintain cell homeostasis and tissue integrity. Our objectives are: 1. To decode Adhesive Signaling Network in Space and Time 2. To Control and Decipher the Micro-Environment 3. To Investigate Heterogeneity at Molecular, Cellular and Tissular scale in the context of Cell Adhesion 4. To Explore Cell shaping, Cell behavior, Tissue Building via Adhesion and Cell Contractility 5. To Apply to Pathology and Regenerative Medicine

Informations concernant l'équipe

Nom de l'équipe : Dynamique des Systémes d’adhérence et différenciation
Équipe affiliée : Oui
Site web : https://www-iab.ujf-grenoble.fr/equ_d.php?b=2&c=22&i=27
Adresse : Institut Albert Bonniot Site Santé BP170, 38042, GRENOBLE CEDEX 9,
Membres de l'équipe : Corinne Albiges-Rizo
Rosario Amaris Guevara Garcia
Paul Rivier
Daphné Vannier

Informations scientifiques

Domaines de recherche adhésion/interactions cellulaires
biologie des systèmes
expression des gènes
polarité cellulaire
trafic intracellulaire
transduction du signal
a:7:{i:0;s:34:"adhésion/interactions cellulaires";i:1;s:14:"développement";i:2;s:16:"différentiation";i:3;s:18:"mecanotransduction";i:4;s:9:"migration";i:5;s:13:"signalisation";i:6;s:22:"transduction du signal";}
Organite/ Compartiment cytosquelette: microtubules
cytosquelette: actine
cytosquelette: filaments intermédiaires
matrice extracellulaire
membrane plasmique
a:3:{i:0;s:27:"cytosquelette: microtubules";i:1;s:21:"cytosquelette: actine";i:2;s:40:"cytosquelette: filaments intermédiaires";}
Techniques bioinformatique
culture 3d
imagerie confocale
imagerie frap, flim, fret, etc
imagerie spinning disk
imagerie tirf
systemes in vitro
Modèles cellulaires cellules primaires
cellules souches adultes
lignees cellulaires
souris, rat
a:2:{i:0;s:18:"cellules primaires";i:1;s:19:"lignees cellulaires";}