À propos

After my bachelor in general biochemistry in Lebanon, I moved to France to do masters in biology aiming to obtain a PhD in life sciences. In the 5th of July 2023, I successfully defended my PhD in life sciences entitled: “the impact of TNF alpha on the metabolisms of cholesterol and beta-amyloid peptides in human brain pericytes”. During my PhD at the Blood-Brain Barrier laboratory (BBB Lab - University of Artois – Lens – France) I worked in vitro, on a human brain pericytes cell line in physiological condition Vs inflammatory condition (under TNF alpha treatment). Briefly, my PhD work highlighted the involvement of Brain pericytes in multiple key process linked to Alzheimer’s Disease development, shedding lights on the potential role of these cells in inflammatory context and disease progression. My scientific research was presented in many national and international meetings, and published in 3 papers. In parallel to Lab Work, I gave courses to students (1st year Bachelor in Biology) at the faculty of sciences (Jean Perrin) and currently I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of psychiatry and neurosciences in Paris (Team JOUTEL) working on small vessels diseases in a mice model.

Informations concernant l'équipe

Nom de l'équipe : (EN) Equipe JOUTEL (u1266)
Équipe affiliée : Non
Site web : https://ipnp.paris5.inserm.fr/recherche/equipes-et-projets/20-equipe-joutel
Adresse : (EN) 48 Avenue Paul Doumer, (EN) 93330, (EN) Neuilly sur Marne

Informations scientifiques

Domaines de recherche 3R
expression des gènes
Organite/ Compartiment membrane plasmique
Techniques systemes in vitro
Modèles cellulaires lignees cellulaires
souris, rat