À propos

• DEGREES 2017 Habilitation à Diriger la Recherche (University of Bordeaux) 2005 PhD in Plant Biology, University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K. with Prof A. Maule 2000 Engineer degree in Biotechnology, University of Bordeaux, France • POSITIONS 2018-now Research Director (DR2) at the Laboratory of Membrane biogenesis, CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) UMR5200, University of Bordeaux, France. Group leader on plasmodesmata mediated cell-cell communication Co-team leader of membrane dynamics in inter-and intracellular trafficking 2013-2018 Junior group leader (CR1) at the Laboratory of Membrane biogenesis, CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) UMR5200, University of Bordeaux, France. 2010-2013 Junior research scientist (CR2) at the CNRS, UMR5200, University of Bordeaux, France 2009 Assistant Professor, Institute of Plant Sciences, Prof. Kuhlemeier, Berne, Switzerland. 2005-2008 Post Doc in Prof. Kuhlemeier’s lab, Institute of Plant Sciences, Berne, Switzerland.

Informations concernant l'équipe

Nom de l'équipe : membrane dynamics in Intra and intercellular trafficking
Équipe affiliée : Non
Site web : https://www.biomemb.cnrs.fr/en/thematique/plasmodesmata-mediated-intercellular-communication/
Adresse : Laboratory of Membrane biogenesis CNRS- UMR 5200 Université Bordeaux INRAE Bordeaux Aquitaine 71 Avenue Edouard Bourlaux, 33140, Villenave d'Ornon

Informations scientifiques

Domaines de recherche biologie végétale
Organite/ Compartiment membrane plasmique
intercellular bridges
Techniques imagerie confocale
imagerie frap, flim, fret, etc
imagerie haute resolution (sted, 4pi)
imagerie multiphotons
microscopie electronique
Modèles cellulaires plantes arabidopsis