À propos

Principal Investigator (CRCN) at Inserm in Toulouse (Tonic – Toulouse NeuroImaging Center). Degree in pharmacy obtained in 2004 (Naples), complementary diploma of specialization in pharmacology in 2011 (Naples) and a PhD degree in Organ pathophysiology in 2007 (Naples). Postdoctoral period abroad in Belgium (KU Leuven) with two contracts funded by the Belgian Ministry of Research (2012-2015 and 2015-2018) Post-doc in France (Inserm, 2018-2019), before being recruited by Inserm as CRCN in 2019 (CSS4 – Neuroscience). In 2021, visiting scientist in Japan, at Kobe University (two invitational fellowships), until February 2024. Solid knowledge in the following scientific fields: neurosciences, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, toxicology. High number of publications (45 articles in peer-reviewed journals). I have been studying the enteric nervous system, focusing on enteric glia and their role in gastrointestinal physiology/pathophysiology. My expertise includes the establishment of primary enteric glia culture from human tissue, neural cell culture, genetic approaches (gene targeting, generation of genetically engineered mouse models), imaging techniques, ex vivo and in vivo assays.

Informations concernant l'équipe

Nom de l'équipe : iDREAM
Équipe affiliée : Oui
Site web : https://tonic.inserm.fr/nos-equipes-de-recherche/equipe-idream/idream/
Adresse : place du docteur Baylac, 31024, Toulouse, France
Responsable(s) de l'équipe : Carla Cirillo

Informations scientifiques

Domaines de recherche développement
Organite/ Compartiment matrice extracellulaire
vésicules synaptiques
Techniques culture d’explants
imagerie confocale
systemes in vitro
Modèles cellulaires cellules primaires
souris, rat