À propos

Andrés Alcover, Professor at the Institut Pasteur, is currently the Head of the Lymphocyte Cell Biology Unit at the Insitut Pasteur and the Director of the INSERM Unit-1221, Immunomodulation and Infection. He got his PhD degree at the Universidad Autonoma, Madrid, Spain in 1982. He further trained as a postdoctoral fellow at the Center of Molecular Biology in Madrid and at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School in Boston MA, USA. He joined the Institut Pasteur as a staff scientist at the end of 1987. His main research interest for many years has been the molecular mechanisms that control T lymphocyte activation and their subversion by retroviruses that infect T lymphocytes.

Informations concernant l'équipe

Nom de l'équipe : Biologie Cellulaire des Lymphocytes
Équipe affiliée : Oui
Site web : https://research.pasteur.fr/en/team/lymphocyte-cell-biology/
Adresse : 28 rue Dr Roux, 75724, Paris, France
Responsable(s) de l'équipe : Andrés Alcover

Informations scientifiques

Domaines de recherche adhésion/interactions cellulaires
polarité cellulaire
trafic intracellulaire
transduction du signal
Organite/ Compartiment cytosquelette: microtubules
cytosquelette: actine
matrice extracellulaire
Techniques imagerie confocale
imagerie spinning disk
imagerie tirf
imagerie haute resolution (sted
Modèles cellulaires cellules primaires
lignees cellulaires