The Goetz Lab at INSERM U1109 (Tumor Biomechanics,, CRBS, Strasbourg, FR) is seeking a talented postdoctoral scientist with strong background in Intravital Microscopy and Cancer biology and interest in interdisciplinary research. Our lab uses advanced imaging techniques coupled to microfluidics and animal models to study tumor metastasis at multiple scales. The lab is actively investigating the contribution of mechanical forces as well as extracellular vesicles in metastasis onset. Our approach permits real-time imaging ranging from single-cell metastatic events to whole body tumor progression. Doing so, we aim at understanding how metastasis occurs in relevant and controlled animal models (Goetz et al., 2011, 2014; Follain et al., 2018; Hyenne et al., 2019; Osmani et al., 2019 Ghoroghi et al., 2021). For more information, see the attached document. All applications must be sent to: Jacky G. Goetz (
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