The European Institute of Chemistry and Biology, Institut Européen de Chimie et Biologie (IECB, is a research team incubator placed under the joint tutelage of the University of Bordeaux, CNRS and INSERM. It benefits from the effective scientific environment of the Bordeaux campus in the Southwest of France. The team incubation period is typically 10 years, and teams are selected by an international Scientific Advisory Board. The Institute currently hosts 14 research groups developing their research projects at the interface of chemistry and biology. IECB is looking for solid candidates for group leader positions, with a priority for the following profiles: – One or two CELLULAR BIOLOGISTS interested in the molecular underpinnings of, for example, cell cycle, cell death, regulation of proliferation, regulation of gene expression, cancer, immunology, microbiology… – One SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMIST interested in areas such as, for example, chemical biology, drug design, bio-inspired materials and catalysis, supramolecular chemistry, protein mimics, synthetic oligonucleotides… Candidates with other profiles and creative projects at the interface between chemistry and biology are also welcome to apply. Priority will be given to the originality of the project and the interest in developing interdisciplinary collaborations with other groups of the Institute and other laboratories of the Bordeaux campus. In the field of cancer cell biology, candidates interested in sarcoma, kidney or breast cancer would benefit from facilitated access to clinical samples. The group leaders will have full autonomy to manage their research group. They will have access to IECB’s facilities in structural biology, structural chemistry and biophysics (NMR, MS, cryo-EM, crystallography, peptide synthesis and protein production, SPR,…). Applicants are primarily expected to be at an early stage of their research career (with 2-10 years of postdoctoral experience) although high-quality senior applications will be considered as well. Selected applicants will be asked to apply for start-up funding such as the ATIP-Avenir programme, FRM “amorçage”, ANR support or ERC, and will be supported to secure a permanent research position in France if they don’t already hold one. Applicants should be fluent in English. Knowledge of French is not mandatory. Applicants are invited to submit prior to July 1, 2021: – a cover letter – an extended biosketch describing your background and up to five main achievements (max. 5 pages) – a research proposal (max. 5 pages) – a full CV – Names and contacts of 2-4 referees
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