SAVE THE DATE: SBCF- BSCB joint meeting: Cell La Vie! 23-25 September 2020 in Paris
The French Society for Cell Biology (SBCF) has been successful in organizing a biennial international conference covering the challenges of multidisciplinary approaches combining imaging, biochemistry, physics, bioinformatics and screening to interrogate various aspects of the living. For their fourth biennial international meeting, the SBCF and the British Society for Cell Biology (BSCB) organize a joint meeting for the first time, called Cell la vie! This new endeavour aims to bring together cell biologists from both neighbouring countries and beyond for scientific exchange, networking and meeting with editors.
Invited speakers: Julie THERIOT, Pere ROCA-CUSACHS, Simon BULLOCK, Christoph DANELON, Guillaume DUMENIL, Julien DUMONT, Annika GUSE, Jennifer LIPPINCOTT-SCHWARTZ, Roberto MAYOR, Stéphanie MISEREY-LENKEI, Inke NATHKE, Jordan RAFF, Anne-Cécile REYMANN, Marie-Elena TORRES-PADILLA, Sara WICKSTROM
Many opportunities to present your work with more than 22 Talks selected from abstracts and 3 poster sessions!
In addition, this year: a half-day meeting Wednesday morning exclusively for students and post-docs!
Eventually, there will be several free registrations for students and post-docs !
Please register here:

Société de Biologie Cellulaire de France
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