Dear Colleagues,
Register here to “Cell La Vie! 2” (deadline May 15 as Early Bird).
The meeting “Cell La Vie! 2” (formerly known as “Building The Cell” ) will be held at Institut Pasteur on September 21 – 23, 2022. It will cover the challenges of multidisciplinary approaches combining state-of-the-art imaging, biochemistry, physics and bioinformatics to question various aspects of life. Time will also be dedicated for social gathering and networking.
We have a great lineup of invited speakers: Guillaume DUMENIL, Sirio DUPONT, Friedrich FRISCHKNECHT, Jennifer LIPPINCOTT-SCHWARTZ, Stéphanie MISEREY, Pere ROCA-CUSACHS, Guillaume ROMET-LEMONNE, Xavier SALVATELLA, Jeanne STACHOWIAK, Beth STEVENS, Julie THERIOT, Sara WICKSTROM
Sessions will include: Cellular microbiology, Nuclear organisation, New models and methods, Cytoskeleton dynamics, Membrane dynamics, Mechanobiology, Cellular Neurobiology, Biomolecular Condensates
Short talks will be selected from the abstracts (deadline June 1st), don’t hesitate to contribute!