Dear Colleague,
We are excited to announce the completion of the Biology of the Cell (BoC) themed issue: “Endoplasmic Reticulum Functions”. The response to this issue was enthusiastic, and we are delighted with the quality of the science that appeared thereon.
It is still time to submit your contribution to the themed issue in construction on “Centrosomes and cilia”.
We are now looking forward to assemble themed issues on “Cell biology of apicomplexans and their host cells”, “Autophagy” and “Mechanobiology“.
We encourage you to contribute these special Issues through reviews and original works.
You are also welcome to submit any manuscript within the cell biology and developmental biology field.
BoC wants to help you publish your good work. As always, we strive to provide constructive peer review, a format-neutral submission format and quick turnaround of manuscripts.
We look forward to seeing your manuscript!
René Marc Mège, BoC Editor-In-Chief
