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Société de Biologie Cellulaire de France

© Vincent Gache - Lyon
horse cell-detail

Dear SBCF members,

You know all that the sustainability of the journal Biology of the Cell is vital for our two Societies (SBCF and SFµ) as it is the major source of revenues. In this transition time toward open access, the journal and revenues of our societies could be in danger if we do not increase the flow of publication. I hereby would like to extend an invitation to you to submit a paper to the society’s journal Biology of the Cell.

I believe that an article from you and your collaborators on the latest developments in your field of research could be a great addition to Biology of the Cell and would interest our readership and complement the top-level research published with us. Depending on your personal interest, you would be welcome to submit an original research article or a review article on a relevant topic of your choosing.

As a member of the French research community, you should be in a position to benefit from the COUPERIN-Wiley publishing agreement to publish your article open access in Biology of the Cell without incurring additional costs.

As of 2022, corresponding authors at 130 eligible institutions from France can publish their own primary research and review articles open access, retaining copyright of their works. In this way, you can ensure that your research is freely and globally available and is reaching the widest audience possible, increasing your visibility and impact.

For more information, please check the details and your eligibility at

We would like to suggest a submission before the end of 2023. Notice also that we are looking for guest editors willing to propose and lead the construction of themed issues. A more precise schedule for submission and discussion about themed issues could be arranged by contacting the Editor-in-Chief René-Marc Mège at

Thank you very much for your consideration and cooperation,

Florence Niedergang

President of the SBCF


Société de Biologie Cellulaire de France

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