Nous vous souhaitons au nom de la SBCF une excellente année 2024! We wish you a Happy New Year!
Pour commencer, une alerte sur nos ressources qui permettent aux membres de bénéficier de bourses de voyage pour des congrès, de soutien pour organiser des manifestations scientifiques et grand public, et de prix récompensant les chercheurs en Biologie Cellulaire: je vous copie ci-dessous une lettre de l’éditeur en chef de Biology of the Cell,le journal qui est à la source de nos revenus. Comme vous le verrez, René Marc Mège a besoin de nos soumissions pour assurer la pérennité du journal. N’hésitez pas à le contacter !
To start with, an alert about our resources: I am copying below a letter from the Editor-in-Chief of Biology of the Cell, the journal that is the source of our income. As you will see, René Marc Mège needs our submissions to ensure the journal’s continued existence. Don’t hesitate to contact him!
Dear SBCF members, dear colleagues,
As you may know or not know, Biology of the Cell ( is the journal of the French Society of Cell Biology (SBCF) and of the French Society of Microscopists (SFµ). Not only this, but the journal, edited by Wiley is providing most of the financial resources of the two Societies. It allows the SBCF to have the power to organize small and larger meeting every year. It has also along the years allowed to strengthen our community by allowing you all to be member of the Society without paying anything, which is quite unique among scientific societies. It allows also your young scientist colleagues to apply for travel grants (tens every year are awarded) for national and international meetings. It allows also to attribute every year thesis and young scientists’ prizes. Thus, this journal is vital for our Society.
However, the journal is these days in great danger. Indeed, after the pandemic period, more than many other journals, we are suffering of a strong reduction in the submission rate which will put the sustainability of this title, and the incomes of the SBCF, in great danger.
Thus, I need you all in the very first months of this new year.
I need all of you considering to participate with at least one of the following actions:
submit a manuscript coming from your team: either a review (could be inspired around a thesis introduction, an original paper or a short communication (remember, the first criteria for evaluation is that the data support the conclusions), a commentary, or a method manuscript (new format that will be presented on the website very soon).
propose a subject for the themed issues around your field of expertise. You will then act as a Guest Editor to invite authors of your choice and lead the reviewing process. And trust me, you do not need to be a PI to succeed in this action and this will be a great experience. A themed issue can contain 4-10 articles. See the journal website for examples.
accept to take more responsibility in the Society and in the journal and become an Associate Editor.
I really need your help and I know that I can rely on your positive response.
Sincerely yours
René Marc Mège
En ce début d’année, n’oubliez pas de noter dans vos agendas les prochains événements organisés par la Société qui sont :
le Symposium “Cell Biology of Plants, and beyond”, le 26 janvier à l’ENS de Lyon, couvrant des aspects de trafic intracellulaire, cytosquelette, mécanobiologie, chez les plantes mais pas seulement. Informations ici
le meeting joint avec la Société de Biologie du Développement, dans la continuité de “Building the Cell” et “Cell La Vie”, mais avec une extension multiéchelle, qui aura lieu du 16 au 19 octobre 2024 à Sorbonne Université, Paris. Information ici
une célébration des 40 ans de la SBCF- plus d’information prochainement
Avec tous nos voeux pour cette nouvelle année,
Florence Niedergang, présidente et le conseil d’administration de la SBCF
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